Accepted papers


A Reinforcement Learning Approach for ResolvingInconsistencies in Qualitative Constraint NetworksAnastasia Paparrizou, Michael Sioutis and Yoan ThomasLong
Accelerate K-Modes Using The Triangle InequalityVu-Linh Nguyen, Toan Nguyen-Mau and Van-Nam HuynhLong
An Ontology-Based Approach for Handling Inconsistency inExplainable and Prioritized Access Control ModelsAhmed Laouar, Toky Hajatiana Raboanary and Salem BenferhatLong
Bel Coalitional GamesMichel Grabisch and Silvia LorenziniLong
Boolean weighting in possibilistic logicDidier Dubois and Henri PradeLong
Compact Solution Representation in QualitativeConstraint-based ReasoningYakoub Salhi and Michael SioutisShort
Contribution of Subsets of Variables in Global SensitivityAnalysis with Dependent VariablesChristophe LabreucheLong
Counterfactuals as Modal Conditionals, and Their ProbabilityGiuliano Rosella, Tommaso Flaminio and Stefano BonzioAbstract
Credibility-Limited Revision for Epistemic SpacesKai SauerwaldLong
Discrete Minimax Binary Relevance Classifier for ImbalancedMulti-label ClassificationSalvador Madrigal Castillo, Sebastien Destercke, Vu-LinhNguyen and Cyprien GiletLong
Elicitation for Decision Problems under severe uncertaintiesNawapon Nakharutai, Matthias Troffaes and SébastienDesterckeLong
Entropic Regularization Schemes for Learning FuzzySimilarity Measures based on the d-Choquet IntegralChristophe Marsala, Davide Petturiti and Barbara VantaggiLong
Entropy and extropy for partial probability assessments onarbitrary families of eventsLydia Castronovo and Giuseppe SanfilippoLong
Estimating Causal Effects in Partially Directed ParametricCausal Factor GraphsMalte Luttermann, Tanya Braun, Ralf Möller and Marcel GehrkeLong
Exploring distances for preference-approvalsAlessandro Albano, José Luis García-Lapresta, AntonellaPlaia and Mariangela SciandraAbstract
Extended Boltzmann Machine – Generative AIMaria Rifqi and Lancelot TullioLong
Flexible risk aware sequential decision makingNadjet BourdacheLong
Frank’s triangular norms in Piaget’s logical proportionsHenri Prade and Gilles RichardShort
Imprecise dynamic Value-at-Risk induced by a DS-bivariaterandom walkAndrea Cinfrignini, Davide Petturiti and Barbara VantaggiLong
Inconsistency Measurement in LTLf Based on MinimalInconsistent Sets and Minimal Correction SetsIsabelle Kuhlmann and Carl CoreaLong
Integrating User Preferences into Gradual BipolarArgumentation for Personalised Decision SupportElisa Battaglia, Pietro Baroni, Antonio Rago and FrancescaToniLong
Judicial Support Tool: Finding the k Most Likely JudicialWorldsMaksim Bolonkin, Sayak Chakrabarty, Cristian Molinaro andV.S. SubrahmanianLong
Lifting Partially Observable Stochastic GamesNazlı Nur Karabulut and Tanya BraunLong
MIP Outer Belief Approximations of Lower Conditional JointCDFs in Statistical Matching ProblemsMarco Baioletti, Andrea Capotorti, Davide Petturiti andBarbara VantaggiLong
On Decisive Revision Operators and Totally OrderedInformationKhaled Belahcène, Jérome Gaigne and Sylvain LagrueShort
On the Completeness and Complexity of Lifted TemporalInferenceMarcel GehrkeLong
Possibilistic provenanceDidier Dubois and Henri PradeShort
r-ERBFN : an Extension of the Evidential RBFN Accountingfor the Dependence Between Positive and Negative EvidenceFrédéric Pichon, Serigne Diène, Thierry Denoeux, SebastienRamel and David MercierLong
Robust Discrete Bayesian Classifier under Covariate andLabel NoiseWenlong Chen, Cyprien Gilet, Benjamin Quost and SebastienDesterckeLong
Scaling Up Reasoning From Conditional Belief BasesChristoph Beierle, Jonas Philipp Haldimann, Arthur Sanin,Leon Schwarzer, Aron Spang, Lars-Phillip Spiegel and Martinvon BergLong
SDF-FuzzIA: a Fuzzy-Ontology based plug-in for theintelligent analysis of geo-thematic dataGiuseppe Filippone, Gianmarco La Rosa and Marco ElioTabacchiShort
Social ranking under incomplete knowledge: elicitation ofthe lex-cel necessary winnersAriane Ravier, Sébastien Konieczny, Stefano Moretti andPaolo ViappianiLong
Stability of Extensions in Incomplete ArgumentationFrameworksAnshu Xiong, Huan Zhang and Songmao ZhangLong
The reverse hypergeometric distribution and entrainmentstatisticsMichele Tumminello, Andrea Simonetti, Lydia Castronovo,Tiziana Di Matteo and Giuseppe SanfilippoAbstract
Towards a Dialogue Game-based Semantics for ExtendedAbstract Argumentation Frameworks based onIndecision-BlockingYamil Soto, Cristhian Ariel D. Deagustini, Maria VaninaMartinez and Gerardo SimariLong
Towards a logical framework for reasoning with stereotypesFlorence Dupin de Saint-Cyr, Francis Faux and SabineFrittellaShort
Transfer Learning Approach for High-Imbalance andMulti-Class Classification of Fluorescence ImagesVincenzo Taormina, Domenico Tegolo and Cesare ValentiShort
User’s Preference Modelling with Gödel IntegralAgnes Rico, Marie-Jeanne Lesot and Christophe MarsalaLong